Tee Ball
Provides an environment where players will learn the skills or the game, while having fun and staying active. Tee Ball is recommended for first time players league age 4-6.
Tee ball players use bats, balls and tee designated specifically for the use in this division. Coaches determine practice dates, times and locations.
AA Coach Pitch
Players continue to learn the basic skills and introduced to positions of the game. Players will be placed on a team by the player agent. Coaches determine practices dates, times, and locations.
AAA Player/Coach Pitch
Players continue to develop and grow. Play more specific positions. Players now take on the role of pitcher with the coaches occasionally stepping in. Pitch count comes into play (does not apply to Softball). Recommended ages 8-11.Players are drafted onto a team. Must attend try-outs. May be drafted up Majors.
Players are drafted in a Major team if not played in Majors the previous season. Games are competitive. Recommended ages 10-12. Must attend try-outs.
Senior League Softball
Players are drafted onto a team. Games are competitive. Recommended ages 13-16. Must attend try-outs.
Challenger Baseball Program Ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in high school. This program provides an opportunity for individuals with cognitive or physical disabilities to enjoy the full benefits of participation in baseball at a level structured to their abilities.
Baseball games are played in a fun, safe environment where no score is kept.